Pest Control Services In Dubai

Factors To Consider When Choosing Pest Control Services In Dubai


A pest is any animal or insect that is known to have harmful effects on humans and the environment around them. They can infect crops, livestock, and forestry as well as stay at the homes of humans to disturb them there. The hazards related to different pests have differing levels of danger but some pests like snakes can sting humans and lead to their deaths. Bed bugs, cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, flies, and other insects are common troublemakers in Dubai homes. The best way to get rid of all the unpleasant creepy crawlies that invade your home is through Dubai pest control.

Why Pest Control?

Health is the primary reason why people should have pest control in their homes in Dubai. Pests such as rats, bedbugs, lizards, cockroaches, termites, moths, spiders, wasps, flies, and ants can be a common sight in Dubai homes that do not have pest control. Most of them seem harmless and indeed are harmless except for the fact that all of them can attack food. Even if there are some pests like flies that do not eat the food they can crawl over it if they are present in your home. Flies are troublesome because of the constant buzz and are known to be transmitters of several diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera, and parasitic worms. They sit on the food, contaminate it, and then it is ready to cause us food poisoning. Rats can cause plague along with all the other diseases that flies can cause.

Hence, we know the amount of risk involved in sharing residences with pests in Dubai. Children and senior citizens are most susceptible to illness caused by these pests. So, to prioritize the health of your family, you are advised to have pest control in Dubai.

Let us now explore some factors to be considered when having pest control.


Expertise should be the first factor that one must look out for in any service provider. Just like a doctor, pest controllers can be quacks too. They might not have enough knowledge about all kinds of pests that can exist in a certain locality in Dubai. Termites can be a headache because they mostly feed on wood and wood is not only expensive but is used in items of daily use like beds. Hence, only an expert in the field of pest control will know how to kill the termite while not harming the wood. This should alert you to the fact that expertise is not just about killing the pest but also about keeping the surroundings intact. People can list pest control in Dubai on the website of the Municipality. The Public Health Pest Control section of the website is dedicated to the same.


The cost charged for the services offered is an important factor that should be considered by the owner of the house before having pest control. Just like clothes, pest control may be rolled out in numerous schemes by different agencies. Some companies may charge you exorbitantly high prices for a general service like pest control. Do not end up looted in the process. It is best suggested that you do a complete comparative analysis of at least 2 to 3 different companies before deciding on one. While comparing, look out for how many services are offered by each money. Do not go after the total sum but the value for money of the service.

Pest control is a general service and should not cost too much. A good company will always provide you with a breakdown of the expenditure incurred in the process of pest control. Some companies might even give you guarantees and warranties for their service. You may ask for a refund if you are dissatisfied with a particular agent’s service. Nonetheless, the confidence to initiate a refund speaks volumes about the trust of the company in its services.


It is advised that you take service from one such company that offers an inspection of the household at the outset. Inspection of a place is important to know where, why, and how a certain kind of pest resides in your place. The job of a pest controller does not end at just weeding the pest out of the house. They should also issue some guidelines for no future growth of pests. For example, mosquitoes breed in a place where there is contaminated water. So a pest controller should be able to locate the area of genesis and suggest ways to avoid further growth.

Customized Plans

Look out for those pest controls in Dubai that allow you to customize plans. Suppose, that your house just has rats and lizards. So, a plan where they also target other pests will only be an extra and unnecessary expenditure. You would not want to pay for a service that you do not require. Other aspects of pest control may vary from house to house or locality to locality. Hence, make sure that you book a service that allows you to customize your plan according to your needs so that you do not have to pay for any extra service.


Convenience is another important factor that pest control companies must provide you. Convenience can be in terms of hours of service. For a family where all individuals are working, mid-day timings for pest control won’t be the best unless it is the weekend. Another point of convenience can be if they carry sheets to cover your furniture and other necessary stuff with them or not. Will they be cleaning the house before they leave? Consider these and other related factors of convenience before booking your service.

Wrapping Up!

Dubai Municipality Public Health Pest Control Section makes life easy for almost all people in Dubai. It organizes safe and effective pest control programs according to International Best Practices. Their services are not just restricted to personal spaces but also extend to public spaces such as landfills, markets, wastewater treatment plants, public gardens and parks,  horse stables, and others. They also issue No Objection Certificates to private pest control companies. Hence, you can avail of government service and if not, you may look up on the site of Dubai Municipality Public Health Pest Control Section for certified private players in the field.

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